Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Concerns about permissions for Word Mix Lite

This post is to address permissions concerns users have been commenting on in the Android Market for Word Mix Lite. Word Mix and Word Mix Lite require various permissions in order to provide network services such as looking up words on as well as permissions to handle saving the state of your game correctly when your device receives a phone call. Word Mix Lite has a few extra permissions that the ad companies which Word Mix Lite uses requested to be listed. Here is a list of the permissions and why they are there:

Network communication: full Internet access - This is to be able to look up words at

Network communications: view network state - Allow the game to behave appropriately when no network services are available

Phone calls: read phone state - This is to make sure Word Mix behaves appropriately when your device receives calls

Services that cost you money: directly call phone numbers - This was requested by Greystripe ads in order to allow the user to click on ads that allow the user to make toll free calls to get more information about an ad. These ad campaigns are few and far between.

I've been in contact with Greystripe Ads regarding the "Services that cost you money" permission. They have stated that that permission can be disabled and no ads allowing the user to make toll free calls will be displayed.

Greenrift Software has decided to remove that permission in future updates to the application. Be looking for an update to Word Mix and Word Mix Lite in the next week or so removing this permission as well as providing some much needed dictionary updates.

Thank you all for your patience regarding this and thank you for your continued support!

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